There has been a lot going on in the Jones family these days. Of course with a new baby that is usually the case. Ariella is doing wonderful and is growing big and strong. She even had her first round of shots:( Her brothers still love to take turns holding her and she is making lots of Kenyan friends fast. We have now had 2 local churches come over to our house to officially welcome her and bless our family. Their culture is very hospitable and loving toward new mothers especially.

We had the chance to go on the Samaritan's Purse ministry retreat at the beach this September which was a lot of fun. The boys and girl loved the pool and the beach. We were truly blessed by all the speakers, the time to relax and refocus. We left feeling ready to finish this first term in Kapsowar strong. It is amazing how soon we will be back in the States, this December. We are hoping to get to spend good time with family and friends. We do feel the Lord calling us to come back to Kapsowar again though and will be aiming to come back Lord willing by next July.

The w0rk at the hospital has been going well. I have enjoyed working in our new operating rooms. This picture was taken during one of my first c-sections in the new building, the same one where Vanessa had our baby.

As an update on our work among the Pokot we just returned from another successful mobile clinic among them last weekend. Big things are starting to happen. We had our ground-breaking ceremony for the clinic that we are starting to build. Due to many of our generous donors we are well underway for the fundraising of the clinic although it is not fully paid for yet. We had a nice time at the site of prayer and dedication then all took turns with the pick/shovels. Everyone is really excited and the community elders showed their support by bringing several goats each to sell and contribute the money. Construction started this week and I am told they are already almost done with the digging for the foundation. Praise the Lord! After the mobile clinic we had a showing of the Jesus film outside using a generator. It was a big hit. At one point it started to rain, but no one left and it stopped in a short time and never got too heavy. God was watching over us for sure.

The well for the Pokot has really struggled to get to water. The machine has kept on breaking down and the work is temporarily stopped. The lead man told me he needs to basically start a new hole and needed more money. I agreed to that plan and am asking that we all pray hard for a breakthrough especially before the dry season which is approaching again soon.
Back at home we recently celebrated Jude's 4th birthday with all the neighborhood kids. We had a lot of fun with all the usual games of 3 legged race, water balloon toss, etc. And of course the kids all got to have some birthday cake which is a big hit. Jude loved his batman backpack and is already planning what he will put in it for the plane ride home.

Thanks for all your love and prayers. Lots of pics this time since it has been a while since we posted.
Love all the photos. You guys look great!!
This is Dana, by the way. :)
What a wonderful way to wake up and hear and see the stories and great pics! Love you guys,
can't wait till you come home mom
love it all! Thanks so much! Can't wait to see you guys really soon!
Hello. My name is Maroria. My friend James and I are Christian medical students in Manchester, England and are looking to organise an elective at Kapsowar from the end of march to may next year. We found your blog incidentally and were hoping that you could tell us who might be the best person to contact to organise this.
We are really encouraged by the work you are doing for Christ!
PS My email address is moroko8@gmail.com if this may come in handy
God has been so good in the work he has done there at Kapsowar and with the Pokots, and you all have been blessed to be able to participate!
Loved all the pictures, and we are counting down until December!
Love mom and dad
The work on the new clinic for the Pokot people just gives me chills- Go God!
Love you all,
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