On December 1st, 2013 we officially opened AIC Lodengo Health Center which is what many of you may know better as the Pokot clinic. This had been a matter of prayer since the first year we arrived on the mission field in Kenya. God was in the beginning of it, the middle and continues with us now. We had a wonderful day to praise God for what He had done to make it happen and dedicate all that would go on there for His glory. And He truly has done great things. Over it's first year and 4 months of operation the Pokot clinic has been a light to it's community. Many have come there seeking physical healing and have found both that as well as a Savior. We have never hidden the fact that we are there to preach and heal. The Bible says in Luke 9:2 that Jesus sent His disciples out to "preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." I have taken that verse as my life motto and I hope that it will be true of our clinic as well.

The mission effort among the Pokot of our area started with the planting of a church. It is now a community of first generation believers who are growing in their new faith. Many of them have testimonies of leaving lifestyles of raiding where they were even involved in murder while they stole from neighboring tribes. Others tell of leaving their life of brewing home made alcohol and getting drunk every day, even giving alcohol to their children to drink. It is amazing the transformation that is possible when their lives were changed by Jesus Christ. The health center followed shortly after the church as I believe this is also part of God's plan for the Pokot, to bring physical healing. The next step that the Lord is leading us to do in this journey is to help the Pokot people of Lodengo by building a Primary school. Lord willing, we would like to start construction on a new school which would be an incredible blessing to these people where traditionally they have not much valued education. If there is going to be a lasting change in their communities we have to help them get education. So rather than just stand back and wait to see we feel God is asking us to get involved with bringing them strong, Christian education that will even serve to disciple the next generation of Pokot believers. Honestly, this is the first time I have mentioned this vision of a school to such a broad level of friends and supporters. We do not even have the funds to do this project yet, but just as the Lord provided for the clinic we know that if this is His will He will also provide the funds for the school. We have been surveying the interest of the community to see how many children may come and we had a meeting with the community elders to discuss how they saw it best. They were very positive about the idea and are looking forward to seeing their children trained well in a godly environment. We have worked with another local missionary who is an engineer and based on some initial plans we expect the cost of the project to be around $125,000. So let's begin praying and trust in the Lord's timing. If the Lord would lead you to participate in giving a special account will be used through our sending agency of In His Image International. The website is www.inhisimage.org/international.php To give to the project press on the give link and you can choose to donate online. On the form please designate "Kenya Hospital Fund- School"
Here is a picture of the widows and widowers that came to our clinic last month to receive some free food to help them. We had 86 of them come. It was a special time to bless them with food but also share with them the good news of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading the post and praying with us for the exciting things going on in our ministry down in the valley to the Pokot people.