Once upon a time, in a Kingdom far, far away there lived a King. He was busy fashioning together a boy and a girl. He had many big dreams for them. He proudly sent them off to a new land. His heart was filled with many hopes for the pair. The girl and the boy grew. They grew in their love for their Creator and grew in their love for the people that surrounded them. The boy was faithful and hard working. He was given many wonderful gifts from the Creator that he determined to use to bring Him honor. The girl was tender and felt a stirring in her heart that went beyond the country that surrounded her. The King crossed their paths, they fell in love and were married. He gave them a vision for a territory unseen by their eyes. He only asked that they trust Him each step of the way. In the 3rd year of their marriage, the King gave them their first knight. He proved to be loyal and obedient. He was always willing to stand firmly for justice and mercy. 2 years later, the 2nd knight joined their family. He was passionate and full of love and life. He fiercely fought for what he believed in. His heart was set on the battles he felt worthy to fight. Soon after the 3rd knight entered their family. He brought joy and laughter like they had never known. He was faithful and pure. He loved, and sang and danced with great abandon. The King gave them their assignment and told them it was time to "go". They set off into a territory He had prepared in advance for them. It proved to be all they had been dreaming of. A life filled with sharing the Hope and Truth they clung to with everything in them. It was a life spent serving a people that the King desperately loved. It was apparent that the Creator had prepared each one with special gifts to give this people. Just when they thought life couldn't get any better-a daughter entered their family. Her family diligently prayed for her to be as strong as a lioness but filled with grace as she made her place in this world. They prayed her life would bring 2 cultures together in unity. They prayed that she would bring new beauty into their world. The prayers were answered. Those from home were longing to meet this copper haired treasure. So they set off to their homeland. Families were joyfully reunited and memories were made. But the family could not quench the longing in their hearts to return to the land that the King had prepared for them. So they set off once again on their long, long journey. The people received them warmly with great love and generosity. It was if they were coming home again. So their story continues. The year began with fantastic birthday celebrations.
Treacherous journeys were made to visit friends they had missed dearly. Only to tell of the King's faithfulness to protect them. The story continued after 30 of the strongest men in the village came to display all of their strength to pull the family's vehicle to safety. The family were awestruck by the kindness and love that was so generously given.
The days of the knights are filled with conquering the world one villain at a time.
But not without injury.

The knights all faithfully study reading, writing and arithmetic oh and history, geography, science and Bible. They know this will help them to lead the next generation into many great new territories.

When the copper haired girl grows weary of battling with the knights she often retreats to the pink abyss as she thinks upon all things lovely, like flowers and butterflies and beautiful birds.
There have been rainstorms and power outages that have created memories to last a lifetime.

Days are filled with the fervent and faithful prayers for clinics and wells. Intercessions for children that have been tragically injured by swarms of bees and blazing fires. All have been answered. Some have brought the family tears of joy. Others have brought them heartache unfathomable.

The family is happy to be back in this precious land they call home. Each day brings new adventure and hope as they follow the King who has faithfully provided for them every step of the way.