We arrived safely back to Kapsowar late August. Within a week our computer crashed. Bummer. Last time we took our computer for repair in Eldoret (the nearest town to us) they attempted to fix the DVD drive by super gluing it in. So we waited until the next time we were going to Nairobi to get our trusted friend, Jeremy, to check it out. Unfortunately, we had to bite the bullet and buy a new computer. Fortunately, he saved all our photos, videos and personal files. And he walked us thru the journey of purchasing our first Mac. Thanks Jeremy, you're the best! So that took about 6 weeks. So here is the rundown of everything that's happened since our last post.
Another Pokot Trip
The biggest and most successful trip yet! There were 2 family docs and one OBGYN (Christina), plus a lot of nurses, a wife who played the role of pharmacist and many translators. The boys and I didn't make this trip. We wanted there to be plenty of room for much needed workers. Kyle also brought gifts for the elders/Chief/men. These consisted of tick bath for their cattle and something else I can't remember. In the past we have mainly seen women and their children. The men would often hide - never to be found. This strategy worked and they were able to meet with them and talk more about how they can work to improve the health of their community. The ride home took them around 11 hours with many car troubles and eventually the abandonment of the 1979 Land Rover on the side of the mountain. Many prayers were said that day. I think they maxed out our vehicle with like 14 passengers. Praise the Lord for the continued work that is going on in this tribe.
The New House
Is all decorated and organized. We love it! Thanks Amanda for all your help and gifts to make it so beautiful!
Jude turned 3
He woke up and said, "I need my game shirt." I searched and brought out every shirt that had a team or football on it. "No, No, Mama! My game shirt!" I finally dug this out of the bottom of the closet and finally -TOUCHDOWN- we had succeeded! He was ready for his "game day"! We had a big party out back with the neighborhood kids complete with "games", popcorn and cake. Then we had another party with all the missionaries here, plus my friend Agnus and her kids. We all showered him with love and attention. This boy sure steals my heart most days! Happy Birthday buddy!
Off to Mombasa
The Samaritan's Purse Post Residents in Kenya had a retreat in Mombasa. We enjoyed spending time with them. We studied the life of Abraham and Sarah as they journeyed where the Lord called them leaving "home" and becoming foreigners. It was a sweet time of fellowship with the Lord and much needed fun. The coast is breathtakingly beautiful! Hudson loved "conquering the waves" and we all loved the glass bottom boat. Being able to peak into sea life was so fascinating. Kyle and the boys also got to take a ride in one of the local's dugout canoe sailboats. It was a great time. Thanks to all that organized the retreat.
Climbing the Mountain
Upon our return Kyle, Gerhard (a visiting doc), Rhiner (his cousin) and Hosea (our Kenyan friend) decided it was high time they hiked the mountain nearby us named Kipkinur. Who would have known what an adventure it would turn out to be. Along the way they helped an old "Gogo", aka a Grandma, chop some firewood, stopped to take pictures and last but not least swing like monkeys from vines. The vine snapped and our dear friend Gerhard fell and broke his femur. Hosea ran to a place he could get reception for his phone to call for help. In the meantime, they ran into some military who were escorting prisoners. Praise the Lord these military helped them build a stretcher out of bamboo, vines and leaves. They also unhandcuffed the prisoners so they could clear the brush for a nice path. They carried him down the mountain. Gerhard went to Kijabe for surgery and is now back with us. Praise the Lord he is recovering well!
The Adventure of Kindergarten
Yes I know, October is a bit late to be starting the school year. But by Kenyan standards I am way ahead. They start a new school year in January. All that to say, we are soaring through and Hudson is loving learning. And though it takes quite a bit of time, I am enjoying this journey as well. We do everything from language arts, science, history, handwriting and Bible. I added a little more Bible since he doesn't get Sunday School here and Art class too. He loves Science and Explode the Code and of course anything Art. It's quite fun and we have the best school room (thanks again Amanda)!
Next post will be shorter, I promise. I won't blame you if you only scroll through the pictures just to see our bright and smiley faces!
We love and miss you all! Thanks for praying for us and being a part of our journey!