The past few weeks have been filled with all sorts of first times for us. For one, I got to meet and shake hands with the Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga. He was here at the hospital because he donated us a new hospital ambulance. It was a big event around this small village. He flew in on his helicopter landing on the local school soccer field then drove over for his 45 minute ceremony which included lots of speeches from different people. Then he flew off. If you know anything about Kenyan politics he was the man that 2 years ago during the election sparked a string of rioting in Kenya. They now share the leadership with an acting President and Prime Minister. It keeps things interesting around here, but fortunately the violence has calmed down. It reminded us to pray for the leadership of this country and for peace. Right now they are debating the issue of abortion in Kenya which is currently illegal, but still done in secret. Pray that they will continue to protect life here.

The next first involves the new vehicle that God has allowed us to purchase. We are excited about using it in so many ways. The first few days we had it we enjoyed exploring the community around us. Many of the roads are like narrow mountain roads so it is good we have 4 wheel drive.

We drove down to the river and found a nice spot to have a family picnic. Of course, it was a quintessential missionary picnic because we were joined by several cows who were coming to get a drink and eat the grass by the river.

Plus we also got lots of stares from the local farmers passing by who probably had never seen crazy white people eating on the ground with blankets. The boys had a blast.

We are excited to use the vehicle for our first community health outreach on May 11th and look forward to using it for God's glory. Thank you to all those who have helped with the purchase of the vehicle.

Finally, yesterday we got to attend our first Kenyan wedding or should I say weddings. It started in the morning when one of my Kenyan friends asked to borrow our car. I said let me come with you. We went to a house where immediately people started putting flowers and ribbons all over my car. About an hour later the bride, maid of honor and several others came and got in the car. We took them to the church about 10 miles away. Then I had to hurry back to make it to the other wedding that we had committed to go to. I made it just in time for them to ask me to do the closing prayer. I have learned I have to be ready for anything here. The wedding lasted all day and it was quite an experience with the whole community there. We were reminded of how amazing it is to see how each culture celebrates weddings differently and how beautiful the people are whom we came to serve.