Greetings everyone! It has been a long time since we updated our family blog so we are sorry for that. We have continued with email updates occasionally and if you are not receiving those please email us to let us know you want to be on the list. I list our family email below. Otherwise below is the report I made for our recent Missions Conference at our church. We really enjoyed getting to hear about what God is doing to accomplish the task of getting the good news out to the Nations. Hope you enjoy this update on what God has asked us to do in our little part of the world. I was reminded recently about the passage in John 4 where Jesus talks about the sower and the reaper rejoicing together. That's the way we have felt so far on our furlough as we have gotten to report back to so many who have supported us through the years through prayer and finances. Also I put a lot of pictures and video about our ministry at the end of this post so enjoy those. Thank you!
Kyle & Vanessa Jones
Children: Hudson 14 (3/5/05), Jude 12 (9/23/07), Isaac 10 (5/31/09), Ariella (8/4/11). All the kids have an email now which starts with kapsowar(their name)@gmail.com and they absolutely love getting email if you or your kids want a missionary pen pal or you want to send them a note of encouragement, especially on their birthday.
Our email: kvhjones@sbcglobal.net
Our Sending Agency: In His Image International
Where we are located: Kapsowar, Kenya
Hospital: AIC Kapsowar Hospital
Mission: To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Kenya and beyond by ministering to people in body, mind and spirit as we see them at our hospital and in the community.
Current Projects
- Kyle works as a Family Physician at AIC Kapsowar Hospital and takes care of the medical and spiritual needs of his patients with both inpatient, outpatient and surgery. He serves as the Assistant Medical Director at the hospital and is the Director of the Community Outreach Program. The outreach program involves work in local surrounding communities doing school health programs, village clinics and a community health volunteer network. Gospel sharing and encouragement for purity and avoidance of alcohol is a large part of the program as these are some of the big challenges in our area.
- We also have a Health Center and School that we started in Lodengo among the Pokot people living in the valley about 2 hours away from Kapsowar. Kyle is the Director for the clinic and school but we have Kenyans that run them for us and a local board to help with leadership. The school has 200 students and 16 of them in the 8th grade this year who will take their big final national exam for primary school which determines which High School they can attend. The head pastor we work with who is also our chairman of the board for the clinic has organized in the past year to show the Jesus film 25 times in various villages around there with 3300 people seeing the film and 243 people giving their lives to Christ.
- Weekly bible studies with a group of women that Vanessa leads and a group of nursing school men that Kyle leads. Discipleship and mentoring is ongoing with the people God brings to us from the community, staff, students and patients at the hospital.
- Vanessa has a tremendous ministry in organizing for the visitors that come, welcoming them to our mission station, hosting them in our home and caring for the needs they may have.
- Vanessa homeschools our children using the Sonlight Curriculum and does an amazing job with them.
Future Projects
- Starting September 2020 we are anticipating the start of our Kenyan Family Medicine training program where we will get to train 2 Kenyan doctors in family medicine for 2 years at a time. We hope to give them a passion for caring for their patient’s physical and spiritual needs and we want to teach them the value of missions by taking them on outreach projects to unreached areas within Kenya and even abroad. There are still 32 unreached people groups in Kenya that we will focus on.
- We want to start a satellite clinic for the hospital in the larger city of Eldoret which is about 1 & 1/2 hours away. It would be located in one of the poorer areas of town and seek to widen our area of ministry coverage. We will be partnering with a local church in the area for the project and keep the gospel in the front of all we are doing.
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for our 8th grade students at Lodengo that they would have great success in their upcoming big national examination at that the gospel would continue to go forth in Pokot at our clinic, school and church ministry
- Please pray for the upcoming Kenyan Family Medicine Residency Program. We are excited about the opportunity to train the Kenyans as well as praying that God will open the door for us to partner with the residents in Afghanistan. A big need before they come is more housing on our mission station for them.
- Pray for our children and especially for their adjustment to life back in Kenya after our furlough.
Financial Needs
- We are currently at about 89% of our monthly support and would welcome more team members to partner with us monthly but overall through one-time gifts we are thankful that each month God provides what we need.
- We are praying to God to raise the money for the housing project to host the new Kenyan Family Medicine residents. Estimate for the 4 unit housing complex is $125,000.
- We are strategically lowering the support to the Pokot school and clinic over the next 2 years then praying they will be sustainable but still needing to raise about $13,000 to assist with next years food for the students and assistance to our Health Center’s staff salaries.
How to Give
Donate online at www.give2ihii.org
Designate for “Kyle Jones” to join or family support team
Designate for “Kenya Hospital Fund” to join with us in supporting one of the above projects such as the Family Medicine Housing Project, Pokot School/Clinic, etc.