We're coming home soon! We will be flying in from Dallas Fort Worth on American Airlines and are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday April 29th at 6:25 pm. We had a good day today with a nice time for processing some of the things that went on this month with some of the other visiting physicians and one of the missionary couples. It was a great time of sharing some of the highs and lows, dreams and visions. Tonight the German medical students in the guest house have made us some traditional German food and they are ready to start soon. I will post again hopefully soon to give more details and wrap up some of our thoughts about our time here.
9:08 am Tuesday, April 29th
A quick update from Kelly:
I just checked their flight from London to Dallas and it looks like they left 2 hours late. This will put them in Dallas too late to make the connecting flight from Dallas to Tulsa. It is possible they will make up for lost time in the air, but I don't know. Most likely, they will have to catch the next flight out of Dallas. It looks like there is a flight leaving Dallas at 7:00pm and one that leaves at 8:25. I will keep you posted.
6:29 pm Tuesday, April 29th
Kyle, Vanessa, Hudson and Jude are on the 7:00 flight from Dallas to Tulsa. They should arrive at 8:00. We are still waiting to see it mom and dad (Travis and Marlene) make it on that flight - they are currently on standby.
Kyle, Vanessa, Hudson and Jude,
I know you all are packing up and are preparing for travel soon.
I pray the Lord shows you any loose ends that need to be tied up, anyone that needs prayer or needs to hear the good news before you leave Africa.
I look forward to hearing how this time impacted your family and what you learned serving the beautiful people of Kenya.
"Praise the Lord.
Praise, O servants of the Lord,
praise the Name of the Lord.
Let the Name of the Lord
be praised,
both now and forevermore.
From the rising of the sun
to the place where it sets,
the Name of the Lord
is to be praised.
The Lord is exalted
over all the nations,
His glory above the heavens"
Psalm 113:1-4
Hugs and Kisses as you return home.
See you soon,
I'm so glad you're coming home!!!! I'm so thankful for all God has done through you and in you while you've been in Africa. We have all missed you. Just last week, we were like, "Who should we ask to go eat dinner with us?" and Dave sighed and said, "The Joneses..." We were sad, but we'll soon be glad to see you!!! Sam really wants to go to Africa now, but he's also very excited to see Hudson. He's missed him. I wish we could meet you at the airport (I LOVE to do that when people come home from overseas). Dave has Good Sam and I'll be at the Crouch's (their son Mark and his wife, Esther are in our small group) for a cookout for our small group. We do love you all and miss you!!!!! See you soon!
Hey, please keep writing posts!!!
**chirp** **chirp**
It's been pretty quiet. Just wondering when you are going to fill us in on some more "Jones House Happenings"
No pressure. Smiles!
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