In case you haven't heard we are expecting our 4th child. For me this has meant the early pregnancy "funk". It includes nausea, vomiting, unpredictable emotions and pure exhaustion until about 20 weeks. I am now about 21 1/2. This hopefully explains the lack of posts on the blog. Sorry. To try and recap the last 2 or 3 months is overwhelming. I'll give you a few highlights and then get a fresh start. So here it goes...
~We have had visitors.
~Matt and Lindsey King came in February. They are a couple from In His Image almost ready to graduate. We had such a sweet time of fellowship with them as they served with us here.
~Kyle's parents came at the end of February to middle of March. It was nice to have the comfort of family around. We also took a much needed vacation to Lake Nakuru for a little safari. You can see the details of their trip on their blog at: www.travisandmarlene.blogspot.com You may actually see a few pictures of us if you have forgotten what we look like.

~Hudson turned 6! We had an awesome party. It was completed with Hudson standing on Jimmy the goat's pen thanking everyone for the best birthday he has ever had. And that everyone was welcome to come inside and play with all his toys as long as they wanted. Keep in mind there were about 30 kids in attendance. We are thankful for this little boy who continually teaches us the secrets of the Kingdom of God. He is such a gift to us!

~Kyle's cousins Craig and Lydia came for a long weekend after doing a fruitful ministry around Kenya with their church. The boys so enjoyed having a cousin to play with. And we did too!
~We got a washing machine! Woo Hoo! I've never been more excited about a household appliance in my life. The boys are definitely 3rd culture kids as it provides them with entertainment.

~We found out we are expecting a GIRL!!!! We are absolutely thrilled for this new addition! Jude and Hudson have named her and we agree with their choosing. Ariella Grace. Ariella means "lion of God". Which we think is quite fitting for a little girl born in Kenya in a house full of brothers. Yesterday Hudson asked, "Will our baby sister have brown skin when she comes out since she will be born in Kenya?" I told him, "No her mom and dad have white skin so she should too." Hudson says, "What happens when an American marries a Kenyan?" Here we go. The baby looks strong and healthy. Continue to pray for her. Pray she will stay in my tummy until term.

Ministry is still going strong here in Kapsowar. We lost one of our Kenyan medical officers, which means Kyle is on call about 4 of every 7 days. Some nights aren't so bad and some are really challenging. He perseveres and serves the Lord diligently and with great joy. There is another outreach trip for the Pokot people scheduled for next weekend. Pray for them and the decisions about the clinic. Also we have no vaccinations to bring at this point. Pray we will get some by next Friday.

The boys are doing quite well. Hudson is closing his Kindergarten year. He is doing wonderfully. We are sending him to the local Kenyan school for about 2 hours in the afternoons. We pray he is a light to his teachers and classmates. A couple months ago he came home and told me about a boy who drew a funny picture of his face. The teacher found it and said he would be caned (physically punished). This is still a common practice in the schools in Kenya. His teacher asked Hudson what he thought and Hudson said to her, "I would really like to show him mercy. Please don't cane him."

Thanks for your love and support! We are truly grateful. Stay tuned...more blogs to come!
Ariella Grace! I LOVE it! Happy Birthday Vanessa!
I love the name. How beautiful!!! I am tearing up...cannot wait to meet her. Praying for you. You look fantastic. I'm so proud of your boys! What fun guys they are. xoxoxo
I love the belly picture. You're so beautiful Vanessa!
I love the name too! And this blogpost really makes me miss you all. How wonderful it was to be with you those weeks! And you have a washing machine - yay! No more washing clothes in the bathtub!
Love you,
I think of you all the time the minute I get frustrated with the way things can be here in France. I always think of you washing clothes in the bathtub and remember to be thankful. What will I do now?
And Ariella Grace- I can't wait to see her! I am so excited for you guys and will be praying that she doesn't come until term.
Happy belated birthday, too!
Beautiful update! Thank you. Got teary as usual : )
I LOVE her name, could not be more perfect.
Praying for you all daily.
I have told everyone of her beautiful name and it's meaning so perfect. it was a sad day for me yesterday as another b.day without you but it was so good to see all of you on skype!
all my love always,
Vanessa, you look so beautiful! I love your new daughters name. The boys look great, too. What memories you are making! Love you guys!
It is SOO wonderful to hear from you guys! And SOO amazing to see all this pictures and hear about the kids. Sending a huge hug and many smiles and thoughts of you :)
Hey. It's so great to see a new post. The family looks great. I hope you are feeling better. We miss you a lot. Tell the boys hi from us. Sweet precious name for your girl.
Great blog yyou have
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